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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

4 Healthy Perks to Drinking Coffee

I’m not sure if you have the same experience, but there is nothing like the sweet smell of fresh coffee brewing! Even before I take my first sip, I can already feel my senses getting excited with anticipation. Were you aware that coffee may do more for your health than trigger euphoric feelings? YES! This ‘daily perk’ has the ability to ward off diseases and boost your health. Of course with most things, not everything is good for everybody, but let’s discover a few ways of what makes coffee a healthy drink.

Perk #1: It’s Great For Your Skin 

When you drink coffee BLACK, it has a vasodilator. This dilates the blood vessels, relaxing and opening up the blood vessels making the blood flow without having the heart have to work any harder. The vasodilator does two things: it helps lower blood pressure and it neutralizes dark circles under your eyes. Drinking coffee black may help you ward off some of the most diagnosed form of skin cancer too.

Perk #2: It’s Full of Antioxidants

Just like Green tea, coffee has antioxidant activity and more than cocoa too. As a primary dietary source of chlorogenic acid, found primarily in coffee, helps prevent cardiovascular disease. Antioxidants helps keep us healthy at the micro-level by protecting our cells from damage.
antioxidants, scientists have identified approximately 1,000 antioxidants in unprocessed coffee beans, and hundreds more develop during the roasting process. Also,

Perk #3: It has Anti-Inflammatory Properties 

Caffeine, known as the skin tighter, helps ward off chronic inflammation that can lead to certain diseases such as diabetes and acne. The anti-inflammatory properties in coffee leaves you with clearer skin.

Perk #4: It may help you strengthen your muscles and your DNA 

A study in the journal Cell Metabolism found that caffeine actually had a similar effect to our DNA molecules in our muscles as exercise. It looked specifically at DNA changes of muscles in sedentary individuals and found that positive effects from coffee were similar to effects derived from exercise. The most interesting factor in the study was the fact that these positive changes were seen rather quickly. This doesn’t mean that you don’t need exercise, it just pointed out that DNA changes of muscles in sedentary individuals and found that positive effects from coffee were similar to effects derived from exercise.

Now, don’t take all this ‘perkiness’ too far. While there are many reasons why coffee is a good drink, the health impacts of coffee have long been controversial. Keep coffee consumption to a minimal 3-4 cups a day and the less you doctor it up the better (sugar and creamer). Overall, scientific evidence brings a ‘full cup’ of good news for coffee lovers and those looking to ward off certain disease.

Try Some
Gourmet Cafe Noir
Organo Gold's Gourmet Black Coffee is sure to attract and awaken your senses. Its dark smooth taste and deep aroma infused with authentic Ganoderma introduces coffee lovers to a new and delicious alternative. With OG's Black Coffee, instantly enjoy the taste of freshly brewed coffee.
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