Changing lives One Card and One Gift at a Time

Thursday, September 19, 2013

How Do You Sustain 'Positivity' In Your Business

Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions. – Albert Einstein 

Most don’t realize how much work and effort goes into running and sustaining a business. It takes a lot of brain power, thoughtful consideration and endurance. You have to not only have the mindset to run a business but also be able to visualize the beginnings of one and what you want to get out of one! In order to keep order in your mind, you must train your thoughts to remain positive and that’s where positive affirmations can help.

A Valuable Ingredient 

Some may say that the business world is a dank and dark place with no feelings or emotions. Some may even believe that applying affirmations into your daily business tool box is a waste of time. Well let’s explore this a bit...Businesses don’t exist in a vacuum! We may all have a business or two, but we don’t run them or build them all the same. It is essential to use whatever you can to maintain your business the best ways possible. What we all want at the end of the day are real results and I believe we are all ready to do whatever we can to make that happen.

Positive affirmations and positive thinking tools can help develop a powerful and positive business and personal life which is an essential element to ultimate success and longevity. With the power of positive thought, can turn failure into winning, a No into a Yes, and a just barely surviving business into a thriving business. Positive Thought is the fuel for your success.

Here are a few positive affirmations that you can declare right now over your business: 

  • This business was built to solve problems in people’s lives and I have succeeded in my design. 
  •  Today I am shifting into being a force of nature and a positive force for those to be lead by. 

In order for your affirmations to activate, you must speak them, allow your mind to see what you are affirming everyday, and then make movement toward that affirmation. You have the power to create whatever you want so set your intentions on a goal you’ve been wanting to attain with the use of affirmations.

Video is a great medium for inspiration. Here’s a video of Yolanda Adam’s single “I Gotta Believe” that is a great example of stirring up inspiration.

Pictures are also a great form of inspiration and it’s a tool you can use to train your brain. Our brains have no concept of time in the sense that if we focus on certain pictures over and over again, our brains take in that picture as our right now truth. Use vision boards to create a visual ‘vision’ of what you want.

Writing down what you are affirming is also a great way to inspire yourself. Alongside the video and vision boards, may I suggest affirmation cards. team Pure Intent has some designer business affirmation cards for you that you can use to write down daily goals that need affirming. We want to see you succeed in everything you put your mind on so try them and let us know how it’s going!

Are you aware that having a positive attitude is contagious! Maintaining a positive state of mind attracts the right people into your business and strengthens your existing relationships with your customers. Also, a positive mindset creates balance in all aspects of your business and your life that will make work less stressful and where there is balance, there is power! Try positive affirmations this week!

Let’s Game Change Together!


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