Changing lives One Card and One Gift at a Time

Friday, August 2, 2013

U - Don’t Be Afraid to Be Unique! How to build a successful business brand

Business? Why Y.O.U.

This week we touched on understanding the Y.O.U. in business ownership. There is so much to overcome when you first venture out with a business so why did YOU consider business ownership? Some of us built our business from scratch, some are managing someone else's dream making sure its producing to the best of its abilities, there are those who were given an opportunity packed with the vision, products, and services which they apply their marketing skills to, and there are some who inherited a business. Starting and sustaining a business requires that we show up and blow up fully with our ideas, commitment, and determination to make it a success.

Y - Why did “Y”OU become a business owner? 
O - Own It! Become known as an expert in your field 
U - Don’t Be Afraid to Be Unique! How to build a successful business brand

Be Unique: Build a Successful Business

Brand Branding is defined as having a strong consistent identity. A brand is can be many things like a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. Defining a recognizable image helps your customers remember you and distinguishes you from your competitors. Your brand can bring value to your products and services, create customer loyalty and build business recognition.


You as a business can’t be everything to everyone that is why it so important to focus in on what your business can deliver and deliver well. Developing a USP can help you identify the main reason why a customer may continue to get your products and services. Your marketing message must be believable, clear, inflict an emotion (positive I hope), and relevant to your audience. In life perception is everything. How someone perceives another person can make or break a career. There are 3 perspectives to consider when building a successful business brand:

  1. Customers - What do your customers value the most and does that correlate with your products and services. How can you really be of service to them? 
  2. Internal - As the founder of your business, what’s your vision? If you have employees, what do they truly think about what the business has to offer and can it do more? 
  3. Marketplace - To be a successful brand, you have to position the business to be the only one out there in the marketplace that can do what it claims to do. For example, Ivory soap. For years this brand of soap became famous for its pure content and for floating in water. Although it has evolved into other forms of household products, the soap still floats! 

Unmarket your Marketing


As Scott Stratten may rant and rave about how businesses engage or not engage with their customers, I do like what he has to say about utilizing all these marketing tools that are available to us especially online. Although there are many strategies out there that will help you build a successful business brand, focusing in on what you have to offer, looking at your competitions marketing message, and considering the three perspectives will definitely get you started on your branding journey. Branding your business involves a lot of trial and error as well as evolution. Remember your brand will live in everyday interactions with your customers so be mindful of the images you use as well as the message you are trying to send. Simplicity is key!

Onward and Upward!


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