Changing lives One Card and One Gift at a Time

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

You Can’t Make this Stuff Up

This week I want to impress upon you the importance of recognition, accolades, and just simply appreciating those around you in your business as well as your personal life. Think about it.... If we honored the gift of recognition, accolades, and appreciation... If this was a “must do” in the workplace, most employers would experience more success and output from their employees.

Folks! I can’t make this stuff up! 
Your attitude determines your altitude and you will attract what you are thinking whether it be good or bad. So I challenge you this week to attract all the greatness you can stand! Get all the those positive things that you truly want to achieve and stand still to watch it return to you tenfold.

Here are three areas to help build up All The Greatness You Can Stand in your business as well as your personal life:

  1. Recognition: The Fruit of Happy Employees 
  2. Accolades: Humble Thyself 
  3. Appreciation: The Antidote 

Remember, what you speak does come to pass. Choose to speak greatness into someone’s life (including yourself) whenever the opportunity presents itself. If you begin to practice speaking life into any situation, it will produce life where you spoke it and return back to you. But be mindful. Choose wisely because you can reap the benefits either way.

Life and Death is in The Power of The Tongue 

Never give up! 
Believe in yourself when no one else does. Stay committed, focused, and above all have patience. YOUR BREAKTHROUGH IS ON ITS WAY. Whatever you are seeking is truly seeking you. Make sure you are surrounding yourself with positive energy. This energy can be people, places, as well as things. Build Your Faith. It Makes You Stronger.

Stay Tuned! 
This week will be chock full of inspirational quotes, images, and affirmations so spread the word and get pumped for a motivated week.  Tomorrow we will expand on how recognition is the fruit of happy employees and tips on how you can incorporate recognition into your business life and personal life.

Onward and Upward!


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