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Friday, July 12, 2013

The 5 W’s to Outshining your Competition: (Part 3)

What makes us different from them? 
So you've gone through the 4 W’s to Outshining your competition; What do we do best?, Who is our target customer?, What needs do we fulfill for them?, and Who is our competition? So now it should be easy to answer the 5th ‘W’, “What makes us different from them?” You should be overflowing with great ideas, concepts, and reasons as to what makes your business the “go-to” business. Well if you are still working on the 4 “W”’s, lets discuss a few ways you can distinguish your business from the others.

  1. Define your company's beliefs. What does your business value? Be great at execution. 
  2. Do what you say you’re going to do! 
  3. Create a winning combination. Plan out more efficient ways to make your products and services easier to use and clearer to understand for your customers. 

These 3 things can really help solidify how you can outshine your competition and create more consistent sales for your business. Here’s a great example of how Green Army Pest and Pesticides Control defines themselves from their competitors.

At the End of the Day, Don’t take No for an answer 
The greatest thing about being in business, especially for yourself, is being able to be of service to someone and seeing how all your hard work benefited them. But before we get to be of service to our ideal customer, we may experience a lot of “No, I’m not interested?” Even if you get a “no,” be sure to have a plan in place for those potential customers who may not be interested or ready to buy in to your products or services at that particular time. Keep in touch with prospects and existing customers by asking for permission to record at least a name and email address. Try to contact prospects and existing customers at least once quarterly to just say, “hi” and ask if there’s anything they need. Email newsletters featuring new products and offerings, advice and tips and even success stories are an excellent way to stay on the forefront of people’s minds. The ultimate goal is to cultivate long-term customers and relationships.

No business will transform every lead into a sale, but you can build a much higher conversion rate if you listen more and talk less. 

So what do you think? Will your business be able to meet the expectations of potential and existing customers with your products and services as they are now or will you examine them as well as your businesses marketing plan to go above and beyond to get and keep their business? I hope you’ll take this weekend and go through and answer The 5 W’s to Outshining your Competition. Let us know what the outcome was and how it may have helped you stand out among the rest!

What do we do best? 
Who is our target customer? 
What needs do we fulfill for them? 
Who is our competition? 
What makes us different from them? 

Onward and Upward!


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