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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Grow and Prosper: Happy Independence Day

Happy 4th for those of you business owners in the United States. For some this is a day to relax, cook (smell my smokehouse peach cobbler?), or get together with friends and family to watch those amazing fireworks. Some may be utilizing the holiday to have sales on products and services but what is this day really about? 

Short & Sweet History Lesson 
The day of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence stems from a document which declared that all men have the God-given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Obviously, this played a vital role in the founding of our country. But, today, I want to equate those words to us as business owners. The founders DECLARED independence. Are you declaring independence (the God-given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) in your business? In our businesses as well as our personal lives, we should DECLARE independence and if we have not, do something about it RIGHT NOW. We should actively PURSUE happiness, and for those of us who are spiritually focused, we should invite GODLY guidance into our businesses. We have the LIBERTY to do so much more than the founding fathers especially when it comes to owning and operating a business.

Declare success in your business and pursue all the tools and strategies out there. Actively participate, whether good or bad, in all aspects of your business. I wanted to share a great tool for those of you that are looking to re-energize your business by either re-engaging with your team or simply adding a team to your business structure. The energy continuum concept can help you understand what this productivity strategy can do to re-energize your business.

The model shows when team members or staff with low engagement passively wait to see what comes next, they tend to go to the left on the continuum to the state of “rustout,” with “no hope.” On the opposite extreme, some people are so committed they take on impossible tasks or projects beyond their talents and skills only to become overwhelmed reaching a point of “burnout” as they experience “no relief.”

In the state of “rustout” and “burnout”, efficiency is at its lowest. Efficiency is only increased when team members or staff manage their discretionary energy carefully, allowing them to stay highly engaged near the point of equilibrium—at the midpoint on the Energy Continuum.

Renew your Team’s Sense of Engagement and Commitment 
If you’ve been away from your business for a while and are beginning to re-engage with it, take a moment to find out why you’ve been in the state of “burnout” and see where you stand within the goals you set forth when you embarked on your business venture before addressing your team. If you don’t have any goals written out, this is a good time to get some to help you stay on course as well as help your team understanding where you’d like to take the business.

Goal Reassessment 
Take a good hard look at what is being done today in your business and who is or has stepped up to the plate. Ask yourself, what is being accomplished and what isn’t being accomplished? Are your methods overdone? What isn’t being accomplished that should be? You may be able to increase revenues with the right mix of new ideas, methods, and goals for your team/staff.

They make think It’s All Hype
If you have a team and haven’t been the leader they need your team members or staff may be skeptical initially as you undertake a renewed look at your business and assess efforts. Once you have thought through your plans of re-engagement, take time to communicate with the whole team to answer questions, make your goals clear, and get their commitment.

Create a community of support for the effort by developing a sense of collaboration. People who are burned out often lack the energy or motivation to reach out to their peers or colleagues in other functions. Yet working with others and providing mutual support contribute to an upward spiral of energy and efficiency, helping to reverse declining levels of commitment.

As the continuum illustrates, we as business owners need to evaluate how we engage with our team members or staff and see changes that offer hope of relief and renewal in order to re-engage and avoid the results of burnout—reduced efficiency, productivity, and commitment.

 There’s no “I” in TEAM but there is “I” in WIN. - Michael Jordan


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