Changing lives One Card and One Gift at a Time

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Get your Shine On!

There are so many businesses operating out here that it can be hard to differentiate your business from other competitors. What makes store A different from store B?


They both appear to look the same but the difference could be in their business message. Store A could offer the same products as store B, their price points could be a little cheaper in price, or their displays and the layout of their store may be better because they pay close attention to the visual appeal and keep wide aisles for easy access. Maybe store B trains its staff to greet everyone who walks in their store and find out what they were shopping for instead of watching them walk aimlessly through the aisles.

Create a niche (specialty) for your products and services to thrive in

What do they Want
Three fourths of Americans say they are living simpler. They are spending less on things they may want and being more frugal with the things they need as a result of the recession. Focusing on your customers needs and wants more than how to outwit the competition will lead to building solid relationships based on mutual trust. Solid business relationships are built on presenting ourselves and treating our customers better than the competition. So how will you meet their expectations of your products and services and what will you do to go above and beyond to get and keep their business? This week we will focus on the 5 W’s to help you outshine your competition.

The 5 W’s to Outshining your Competition 
  1. What do we do best? 
  2. Who is our target customer? 
  3. What needs do we fulfill for them? 
  4. Who is our competition? 
  5. What makes us different from them?
Onward and Upward!


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