Changing lives One Card and One Gift at a Time

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Reach Your Niche Digitally

For the month we have been chatting about creating niches for your business with your products and services. So once you have identified your niche and have narrowed in on who your target market is; is there a need that can be filled with your products and services? I’m sure there is! Hopefully you have built some stronger relationships by positioning the right products and services to those customers that need your specified products and services. If you have done all the above, now it’s time to engage with your audience. You can do this successfully by building relationships with online groups and/or forums.

Provide your targeted audience with a place where they can share both the ‘Highs’ and ‘Lows’ of their product/service experience as well as give you feedback on what other needs they may have. Providing this platform gives your group an interaction with you as the “expert” and keeps you connected to your clients and potential customers.

Groups are easy to form online through social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. Create a forum where you can have more input into the conversation. A great social network for this is Facebook groups. A Facebook Group is a great place to provide valuable information to your targeted niche market as well as provide a forum for conversation about topics that interest your niche. Be strategic in how you build your group and let those who are joining know the terms of how you plan to communicate with them. Your goal should be to build a “two-way” communication with all of your members and provide value so that they will listen and act on what you have to share. Build your niche and create multiple streams of income for your business!

4 More Reasons To Start An Online Group For Your Niche 
  1. Find out exactly what your niche is looking for 
  2. Encourage your niche to invite like-minded friends, increasing your reach 
  3. Plant information via Q and A into your discussion board in your group with topics that will get 
  4. Get your clients and prospects talking with you and amongst each other all-in-all giving you access to GIVE MORE valuable information and provide an OPEN market for product and service sales

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