Changing lives One Card and One Gift at a Time

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Do You Know Your Products Value?

So lets go a little deep today on assessing how customers view your products and services. You may have toiled over how to position and bring your products and services to market but how you view them may not be how your customers view or value them.

Make Them Saleable 

Having your own testimony and interaction with your own products and services makes it easier to explain to your audience why they need your products and services. But what if you are launching something new or this is the first time you've launched your business? How do you create value for your business and it’s products and services? Definitely your enthusiasm should be high and overall you should be excited about what these products and services can do for your audience as well as how they may ultimately change their lives. If you’re confident and believe in your product, so will your prospective client.


Value Propositioning 

Most of you may ponder on what your clients and potential customers read (or don’t read) when they look at your products and services features and benefits. Some of us might even write long summaries on how these products and services can help our clients but what we fail to do is realize that our audience may not have the patience to read our dissertation. The concept of value proposition can help.

Value proposition is an organizing model that helps you drill down the “promise of value” that can be delivered to a customer before, during, or after they experience your products and services. Any business can use it and utilizing a Value Proposition Builder can help you create a value proposition. has a diagram that organizes the six elements that lead directly to the creation of a compelling value proposition.

Here are the six stages to a value proposition analysis: 

  1. Market 
  2. Value Experience 
  3. Offerings 
  4. Benefits 
  5. Alternatives and Differentiation 
  6. Proof 

In the end, your business should have a persuasive but enticing view of the value of your products and services that your customers will buy into. Remember to highlight the features and benefits a customer will experience with you as well as your products and services, simply state what you and your products/services can do, and what problems your business can solve or avoid for your customers.

Let’s Visualize Value Proposition


Hope this really helps you define your product and service value. What is your take-away from this?

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