Changing lives One Card and One Gift at a Time

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Time's a wastin’

To be good at time management, you must identify those tasks that are time wasters. I recently read an article that mentioned a time management theory by David Heinemeier Hansson, an entrepreneur extraordinaire, where he recommends that you should plan to do the most work of your day within 50% of your day rather than plan to complete 8 hours of work in a day. He says we are fooling ourselves if we think in our 8 hour work day we complete 8 hours of work. He suggest if we plan to complete 4 hours of work in an 8 hour work day, we would succeed far greater with our time management and have more to show for. He says if we take into consideration bathroom breaks, lunch, and an occasional snack (our fuel) we probably only have 4-5 hours left to our work day anyway so get real about your time and plan accordingly.

Cut Up the Pie 

Things like reading email throughout the day, riding the world-wide-web (my weakness), or not scheduling a time to return phone calls are all examples of time wasting activities. Identify about how much time each activity takes and when is the best time to do these activities. Think of your day as if it’s a big apple pie. YUM! Apple pie and a big brimming cup of coffee sounds pretty good right now! Anyway, back to what I was saying…. Your day is like a big apple pie! Segmented into different pieces that all come together. If one piece of this pie were missing it would be very obvious.

The ‘apple pie’ of my day is segmented into phone calls, design time, consultation time, and personal time. If I didn't segment my time, I would be crossing over into these planned activities all day long leaving me no time to do other things and no real results of accomplishing any of them. What does your day look like? 

Onward and Upward!


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