Changing lives One Card and One Gift at a Time

Monday, October 1, 2012

In Pursuit of Value

Is there anything in the last 20 years that you would do over again?  Would you make different adjustments to your education, to your diet, your business relationships, personal relationships (some would probably say I wouldn't marry this person again), or would you make those same decisions over again?

One of my first business ventures was selling knives.  The company is called Cutco.  It's still around today and I can vouch that those knives are the best I've ever had.  As a matter of fact, I still use them today and have only sharpened one knife in 20 years.  So I guess this is a plug for them.  Yes!  I still use them and they have truly added value as a product.  Sold it for a while to parents, cousins, and friends who bought them and still have their set today.  Indeed, this product was consumable but it wasn't something that I was totally passionate about for a "business."

I went on to market a telecom company because I did like technology and phones.  Later, I went into the nutrition industry and had a blast there and on to other companies were I made so very good income, but I still wasn't hitting my mark.  Does the above sound like "doing what you're asked to do and not what you want to do?"

So I ask, "are you doing what you're doing because it sounded good at the time?"  Did the compensation plan seem strong?  Are you just working it to see what may come of it?  Or have you finally found something  that you know can truly add value to the people you'll be sharing with?  What do you value most about yourself and your business?  Here's a great resource survey from Sharon Presley at the "Resources for Independent Thinking" website.  She really helps give a thought provoking description on value to better assist you on understanding what you value.  It's a free tool but if you value the information she has put together, you'll donate to her nonprofit organization.

Let's game change this week by learning more about your value and prioritizing what's most important to you and your business!


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