Changing lives One Card and One Gift at a Time

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

It Takes a Village of Customers to Raise a Business. TESTIFY!!

 So you have this exciting business opportunity.  You've been telling your friends and family, "Hey!  I've just started this new and exciting venture and I would like for you to check it out."  You begin your journey learning the products and/or services and you can't wait to get them out there in front of someone.  Guess what?  You get your first sale!  Hip, Hip, Hooray!!

You are on fire!  You tell a few more, and a few more, and a couple more sign up.  Your are feeling real good that you've accomplished your goals, but something happens... A new potential customer asks you, "What has been the response of others in regards to your products and services?"
You've gotten so good at hearing "I LOVE THE PRODUCT" you are stunned.  That potential customer continues to ask questions like, "What are some of your customers, clients, subscribers, or distributors saying about the products, services, and company?"  To your dismay you've been so focused on selling and bringing on new team members that you haven't inquired about how others are using the products and services as well as how the business is serving them?


This week we will take a good look at testimonies and how crucial they are to have ready at your disposal especially for moments like these.  Testimonies are one of the major keys to your success.  You may have the best products, presentation, solution, and business income plan but giving a testimony about the experience that is not your own can help someone who may be looking for additional streams of income and need to see how this potential opportunity could fit in to their lifestyle.

Here is a hilarious testimony video that I found on youtube that I know you'll enjoy!  This young boy received a box of fudge brownies and card to celebrate Halloween.  Please send in your testimony video links on facebook in regards to your products and services or leave your comments if you have a Send Out Cards testimony you'd like to share!

Onward and Upward!


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